Registration page
First register a new account on or if you already have an account, login.
After registration or login, you enter the lobby. Press the 'Create a game' button.
Create a game
Choose the options you want to play a match with. The Game Mode can be X01 or Cricket. To practice how Online play works you can choose the Computer as an opponent. Webcam play is also supported. Make sure to enable this first in your Profile, before you can check the Webcam game option here.
Online Match on
If you don't have a Dartstracker, just enter your score in the white textbox. If you do have a Dartstracker go in the Dartstrainer App to 'Online Game' and enter the credentials with which you are registered on Gungnirdarts.
Match Hub
Match Hub
A list is shown with all your available matches. Click the one you want to connect to with the Dartstracker.
Online Match
Play the match on your Dartstracker and your scores will be synced automatically into the site.